3rd Innovation and Knowledge Exchange event and 2nd dissemination workshop

Arctic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network

3rd Innovation and Knowledge Exchange event and 2nd dissemination workshop

1.6.2021 News 0

On the 5th of May, ARCSAR hosted the 3rd Innovation and Knowledge Exchange event and the 2nd Dissemination Workshop gathering 45 participants from academia, the Search and Rescue practitioner field and industry from Norway, Finland, Canada, USA, New Zealand, the UK, Iceland, Italy and the Faroe Islands.

The event started with the 2nd Dissemination Workshop and presentations from the work package leaders: Emmi Ikonen (JRCC North Norway), Prof. Dylan Jones (University of Portsmouth), Robert Lynch (Munster Technological University), Artmir Galica (Laurea University of Applied Sciences), and AuĂ°unn Kristinsson (Icelandic Coast Guard). The participants had a chance to gain an insight to the project and ask questions from the work package leaders in an online tool, Padlet. 

The topics covered training and education within pollution and incident control, training and education within mass-rescue operations, and training and education induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event was conducted using online collaborative tools and proved to be a great opportunity for dissemination and learning about new solutions within emergency management field in the Arctic and North Atlantic.