Fourth Arctic SAR Workshop & TTX, April 9-10, Reykjavik, Iceland

Pleasure to meet so many of ARCSAR members including industry, authority and academia representatives. During the first day we reviewed updates on tourism and search and rescue (SAR) in the Arctic, engagement of local communities in SAR and oil spill preparedness. The program also covered a review of responses to recent marine incidents in the Arctic such as the Northguider and the Viking Sky Cruise.
Official press release is now out. Read it from here:

Difficult weather conditions and long distances remain among the main factors affecting SAR missions. Countries sharing borders in the Arctic have different capabilities, each complementing one-another, making cross border collaboration crucial in order to conduct timely and adequate SAR responses.
After the event we got a chance to visit one of the Icelandic Coast Guard vessels which is to hit the waters within few days. It is expected to be patroling for more than a month.
Did you know? Among the coast guards this vessel is known as “The Swiss Army Knife” That is due to its many capabilities. I.e. ice breaking, oil spill management, search and rescue, crane operations, defense capabilities and many more.
Many thanks to the Icelandic Coast Guards for the tour!
More information about the event visit AECO