Articles in press & Internet pages

Arctic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network

LAUREANov/2018Web mediaN/AARCSAR Website Launch
LAUREADec/2018Video/FilmN/AARCSAR YouTube Storyboard
LAUREAJan/2019Social MediaN/ASocial Media Launch (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
LAUREAApr/2019Press release/flyerN/ASix-monthly newsletter. Volume 1
Nord, JRCC NNJun/2019Non-Scientific PublicationR, I, PMFourth Joint ARCTIC SAR TTX 2019 Exercise Report
CITNov/2019Press release/flyerN/AARCSAR news item
LAUREANov/2019Press release/flyerN/ASix-monthly newsletter. Volume 2
Dec/2019Policy paperN/AArctic and North Atlantic Security and
Emergency Preparedness Network (ARCSAR):
Current Status and Steps Forward
USCGJan/2020Policy paperN/AArctic and North Atlantic Security and
Emergency Preparedness Network (ARCSAR):
Communication and Coordination in SAR Activities
LAUREAApr/2020Press release/flyerN/ASix-monthly newsletter. Volume 3
USCGApr/2020Policy paperN/APolicy brief #3: Situating ARCSAR within International Arctic Fora
USCGJul/2020Policy PaperN/APolicy paper #4: Needs for Technology and
Innovation in the Arctic and North
LAUREAOct/2020Press release/flyerN/ASix-monthly newsletter. Volume 4
LAUREAMar/2021Press release/flyerN/ASix-monthly newsletter. Volume 5
JRCCNN/NORDMAY/2022Non-Scientific PublicationN/AARCSAR TTX “Oil in Ice” Report