Nord University

Listing Details

Nord University

Nord University is one of two universities in Northern Norway with a special emphasis on industry development in Northern regions. The University has over one hundred research fellowships (PhD-students). Nord University has Norway’s third largest business school, with a special focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. The business school is the largest provider of Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs in Norway.

In the area of maritime activity and safety, the Nord University is a significant research institution with special focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and the marine and maritime industry development.  The university has a broad international R&D cooperation. The research activity is performed in close cooperation with the industry and the government safety and security institutions in the region. Frequent field studies onboard vessels in cold climate waters contribute to a significant know how within the practice field, disseminated through scientific works and industry reports, training and exercise schemes, and text book production. The University participates in large-scale national and international research programs, and have several PhD programs linked up to national and international research schools and networks. Nord University is a member of the University of the Arctic-network with the most significant universities providing education and research in and for the Arctic.


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